Transform your work, your health, your life.

Where could more energy take you?



With the corporate environment continually changing, it takes everything you have to keep yourself and your teams ahead in business. In fact, many are finding themselves struggling with focus, motivation, innovation, and engagement - negatively affecting your bottom line and the overall well-being of you and organization. Many share that it is also de-stabilizing their health, relationships, and other areas of life that are important. Is your strategy working for you? Are you leaning into performance principles that can take your business to the next level, while protecting the things and people in life that are most important? As you consider that, keep in mind: we do not do our business the same way we did 5 years ago because it wouldn’t be enough; the same would be true if we attempt to manage the business of life with old habits and practices. The Your Best Energy courses provides leaders and teams the tools and strategies needed to evolve and stay ahead – both in business and in life. 

  • Your Best Energy for Work – ½ day to 2-day training

  • Leading with Energy & Resilience – ½ day to 1-day training

  • 1:1 Coaching


“Taking care of your body is taking care of business.” Whether that business is the business of work, your leadership, your role as parent/spouse/friend, or anything else that is important in your life, your physical health and energy plays a significant role in your success. The Your Best Energy & Health course gives you the tools and strategies to make sustainable change in nutrition, movement, exercise, and sleep that could improve overall health, and lead to more strength, endurance, and flexibility for life and living it.  

  • Your Best Energy for Health – 2 hours to ½ day training

  • 1:1 Coaching


Balancing work and life have never been harder as we navigate unparalleled change and a mountain of demand on our time and energy. At times we can feel like we are doing a fairly good job at managing it all, but at other times the stress can become overwhelming – leaving us feeling burned out, exhausted, and just trying to survive another day. As those worn out/burned out days add up, we can find that important areas of our life – like health, happiness, and relationships - have started to suffer. The Your Best Energy for Life course gives you the tools you need to feel energized, happy, connected, focused, and aligned with what is important in your life, so that you can take charge of the demands and stressors in your life and thrive vs. survive day to day. 

  • Your Best Energy for Life – ½ day to 1 day training

  • 1:1 Coaching